Indonesia Leads Sea Of Red Across AsiaPac Stocks (And US Treasuries) Following Dismal Data

Indonesia Leads Sea Of Red AcrossAsiaPacStocks (AndUSTreasuries) FollowingDismal Data

UPDATE: Everbright Securities (the Chinese fat-finger stock brokerage) just announced they SNAFU’d again – this time by ‘mistakenly’ selling 10Y government bonds at 4.2%

AsiaPacandEMmarkets are awashwith red thisevening. While Japanese stocks are very modestly higher on the bad-news-is-good-news that Abe’s economy saw the thirdlargesttradedeficitonrecord (dramaticallyworseatoverJPY1tnthanexpectationsof JPY773), most of the rest of the overnight markets (including USTreasuries) are in the red. From plunging Aussie vehicle sales data (-3.5% from +4.0% in the prior month, to a -0.3% QoQ print for Thailand’s GDP (confirming recession as opposed to expectations of a +0.2% gain); and from Indonesian current account deficit (and currency depreciation) concerns smashing stocks -4.0% (most since Oct 2011) to the ongoing collapse in India currency, bond, and now equity markets, all is not well ahead of the European open. Chinese stocks are also down for the fourth day in a row as Friday’s fat-finger concerns drive brokers down hard and spike 7-day repo rates.

US Treasuries are at fresh 2-Year high yields (above "Gross" highs and having blown off the Hilsenrumor)

Indonesia is a mess…

The JPY was stick-saved after its post-deficit surge…

and Chinba’s short-term repo markets are backing up once again…

India stocks are at a four-month low…(collapsing fast)

as the Rupee fell further to new lows against the USD…

Charts: Bloomberg

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