Russia Is Evacuating Its Citizens From Syria


With ‘drums’ growing ever-louder, Russia’s "emergency situations" ministry has sent a second aircraft to evacuate citizens willing to leave war-torn Syria.

As RiaNovostireports, "anIlyushin-62 planetookoffforLatakia. ThisspecialflightisforRussianand CIS nationalswhohadearlierexpressedtheirdeterminationtoreturntoMoscow," emergencies ministry spokeswoman Irina Rossius said. The plane also bore humanitarian aid for, what a Russian foreign ministry spokesman said at the time was, about 30,000 other Russians that were still living across the country.

(firstgroupofRussianand CIS nationalsarrivefromSyriaatDomodedovoAirport, Moscow)

This follows a total of 180 people (according to TheTelegraph), mostly women and children, returned to Moscow on-board a plane which landed in the Domodedovo airport, Moscow late on Tuesday.

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