Hoy hablamos sobre el papel de los ejércitos populares y sus diferencias con el modelo de ejército oficial. Además, el papel del ejército popular durante la República Española y sus diferencias con el ejército durante la dictadura franquista y la profesionalización actual. Y por último, más allá de la realidad española, se analizan experiencias de ejércitos populares en la historia y el debate de este concepto en la actualidad. Un debate desde diferentes paradigmas, marxismo y anarquismo. Con Juan Antonio Aguilar, Fernando Quiñones, Pep Cara. Conduce Anibal Garzón.

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Un comentario sobre “¿Qué fueron y que són los Ejércitos Populares? – Debate Directo 14-1-2017

  1. a conflict developed between the PLA and the military establishment after several high ranking officers,together with defence minister Beqir Balluku were arrested for conspiring to seize power through a military coup.Balluku his chief of staff Petrit Duma and the head of the army’s political directory Hito Cako were accused of setting the army against the Party by opposing Hoxha’s concept of a people’s army arguing instead for the development of a modern,professional army,whose first loyalty was to the general staff rather than to the PLA leadership.This idea was anatema to Hoxha,who as First Secretary to the Party was also commander in chief of the army.He consequently moved swiftly to ensure the PLA’s contro over the military by ordering the trial and execution of the traitorous,counter-revolutionary group of Balluku and his associates.

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