Argentine Stocks Soar As Black-Market Peso Hits Record Low (Implies 40% Devaluation)

ArgentineStocksSoar As BlackMarket Peso HitsRecordLow (Implies 40% Devaluation)

// ZeroHedge

Argentina is not Venezuela… yet. Following Maduro’s comments yesterday capping Venezuelan profit margins and making black-market FX transactions practically punishable by death (our exaggeration), the Argentine Peso is collapsing…

*ARGENTINE PESO FALLS 2.9% INBLACKMARKETTORECORD 11.55/USD (Spot is 6.77 – implying a 41% devaluation!

Of course, this is great news for stocks and the MERVAL is surging once again towards all-time record highs (+130% from the beginning of 2013). No news on toilet paper shortages (yet) in Argentina.

It seems Latin America has a lot to learn from Japan… and this wont help

ArgentineUnionsSeekMinimum 25%-30% PayIncreases: Ambito

and Argentina Bonds are tumbling once again…

Charts: Bloomberg

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