Negras perspectivas para la simplicidad voluntaria

¿Cómo se puede pensar en que es posible una evolución voluntaria y pacífica hacia un sistema de baja intensidad energética cuando leemos cosas como esta?
La probabilidad de que pase es realmente baja. La superestructura puede domesticar a la gente pero solo hasta cierto punto.

“Annual per capita energy consumption of between 50–70 GJ thus appears to be
the minimum for any society where a general satisfaction of essential physical needs
is combined with fairly widespread opportunities for intellectual advancement and
with the respect for basic individual rights. I will explain some fascinating implica-
tions of this mean and some remarkable opportunities associated with its possible
attainment in some detail in the book’s last chapter. But before ending this brief
exploration of linkages between energy the quality of life I must note the notable
absence of correlation between the average economic well-being and energy use on
one hand and the feelings of personal and economic security, optimism about the
future, and general satisfaction with life on the other.
In 1999 annual average per capita energy use in Germany (175 GJ) was only half,
and in Thailand (40 GJ) a mere one-eighth, of the U.S. rate (340 GJ)…”


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